Isn’t anyone alive today considered ‘contemporary?’

There are artists that push the limits, and those that want to simply uphold the traditions. Both are valid, as is everything in between. (Note: to push boundaries, you have to know the traditions that built the so-called “boundaries”). In the U.S., even in Spain, a stereotyped image of flamenco is often what sells to the masses, but that does not mean that image defines flamenco. As I delve further and further into the flamenco works that speak to me–what many would label “contemporary”–I’m discovering that there’s a lot more out there than I thought. Flamenco, like any art, evolves. And the evolution happens most beautifully when artists are simply true to themselves.

Here are some of my favorite recent works by flamenco artists, and some that I did not know about until recently. Basically, I want to show how much exploration flamenco allows…Below are some videos, in no order, and by no means all that exists–so go exploring on youtube and see what you find! Or go exploring in the studio and see what movements you can create through flamenco! 🙂

Rocío Molina has recently been working a lot with improvisation; she plans on performing a four hour improvisation at the Bienal de Sevilla this year. Here’s a video with clips of a recent improvisation along with segments of interviews:

Rocío Molina. Proceso de Creación. Danza Impulsiva from Sarao Films on Vimeo.

Cristina Hall with Sara Pérez (Dir: Andrés Marín):

La Otra Orilla:

Juan Carlos Lérida (I wanted to share an interview I read recently about his trajectory as an artist):

Fernando Romero

Eva Luisa:

Concha Jareño, reimagining Beethoven with flamenco dance:

Chloe Brule and Marco Vargas, and dance outside!

Clinard Dance:

Carlos Chamorro (technically he comes more from Danza Española, but he is highly influenced by contemporary dane)…also, here’s to more dance in museums!