
28 09, 2020

Searching for profundity


The value of doing the same dance over and over and over:   People often talk smack about Soledad Barrios because she’s been dancing the same solo for 20+ years. But so did Carmen Amaya. Watch her videos – same [...]

Searching for profundity2022-08-25T12:45:47+00:00
12 08, 2019

The Sea and Compás


“Aprendí a bailar con las olas del Somorrostro, a mí me enseñó a bailar el mar…” --Carmen Amaya (“I learned to dance with the waves of the Somorrostro (beach in Barcelona), the sea taught me to dance...")       [...]

The Sea and Compás2023-01-31T18:15:24+00:00
13 03, 2018

Radical ideas that shouldn’t be radical


Radical ideas that shouldn't be radical (in flamenco more specifically, but in other dance forms too): 1) holding auditions 2) letting dancers wear their natural hair (i.e. not slicked back) 2.5) letting dancers be individuals 3) not choosing dancers based [...]

Radical ideas that shouldn’t be radical2023-02-01T03:42:48+00:00
8 02, 2018



I think artists often get pigeon-holed by audiences, critics, and even their peers. And I think that sucks. Big time. I've heard through the grapevine that people talk about my shows as "out-there contemporary stuff" that they're not interested in. [...]

25 01, 2018

Lineage–it’s a two way street


Lineage in dance, and particularly in oral dance traditions, carries a great deal of weight. Without respect for those that passed the traditions on to us, we lose the essence of the art form. And without allowing our students to [...]

Lineage–it’s a two way street2022-08-25T12:50:19+00:00
24 02, 2017

An artist’s life for me….


I remember hearing one of my mentors once say to someone else, she's been extremely lucky in her career. At the time, I thought to myself, luck has nothing to do with it. She has worked her butt off, she [...]

An artist’s life for me….2018-01-11T21:12:47+00:00
17 05, 2016

Esferas; Turn to Movement


I wanted to share the link to New York University's Spring publication of Esferas, published by the Spanish and Portuguese Department and edited by Professor Lourdes Dávila. This issue is all about movement and language, and I had the honor [...]

Esferas; Turn to Movement2023-02-01T03:46:44+00:00