
24 04, 2020

Rebuilding Confidence


I’ve struggled with confidence throughout my dancing career. And the thing is, when you don’t have confidence, people will easily tear you down. When you’re unsure of yourself, it’s hard to convince others to put faith in you, which can [...]

Rebuilding Confidence2020-04-25T13:02:50+00:00
26 03, 2020

Time to Pause


For those of us who don’t want to jump on the online train… As studios and dancers immediately adjusted to our world shifting online, I took a step back. I am teaching my college courses online, but instead of keeping [...]

Time to Pause2020-04-24T14:36:33+00:00
23 05, 2019

Mini No-Manifesto


No to compartmentalization. No to unsustainability. No to quick, meaningless ways of working.   No to compartmentalization: In the past semester—as I planned a symposium, worked on a performance piece, started plans for a performance series in Cleveland, taught and [...]

Mini No-Manifesto2019-05-24T12:31:56+00:00
24 02, 2017

An artist’s life for me….


I remember hearing one of my mentors once say to someone else, she's been extremely lucky in her career. At the time, I thought to myself, luck has nothing to do with it. She has worked her butt off, she [...]

An artist’s life for me….2018-01-11T21:12:47+00:00
23 10, 2016

Self-producing a performance


I self produced the recent performances of (Des)Encaracolarse at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. What exactly does that mean? I initiated the project, I took full financial responsibility for the project, I gathered the team, found the venue, did the publicity, [...]

Self-producing a performance2018-01-11T21:12:28+00:00