
7 11, 2013

A day off….


In front of the Flamenco Vivo poster at the theater in Temecula.Yesterday was our first day off since we started rehearsing for tour 2 weeks ago.  We really needed a day off to decompress and gain a bit of perspective [...]

A day off….2018-01-11T20:51:11+00:00
1 11, 2013

Lessons on the road so far….


Late night sound check with Yiyi, Gaspar, and Javier, qué pedazos de músicos! 1. Hang up your costume, and even if someone says they're going to hang it up for you, you'd better just do it yourself ASAP.2. When you're the [...]

Lessons on the road so far….2018-01-11T20:50:58+00:00
31 10, 2013

Preparing for tour


Rehearsing for tour last week, I was really wishing dance could be learned by osmosis, you see the step and suddenly you know it--if only it were that easy! Dance is work. It requires conscientious repetition until the movements are [...]

Preparing for tour2023-02-01T04:06:02+00:00