Breaking Boundaries in Flamenco

Oberlin College Campus

March 13-16, 2019

A symposium featuring international guest artists & speakers breaking conceptual and cultural boundaries. This weekend of interdisciplinary performances, presentations, and dialogue centers on experimental flamenco across the Americas. It focuses on the socio-political and economic resources that shape flamenco as a globalized and commercialized form, and the creative and cultural frameworks artists currently utilize to resist social and economic limitations. The event aims to generate new perspectives on the underlying political structures shaping flamenco, and diversify Oberlin’s cultural offerings for students and the community.

Organized and curated by Alice Blumenfeld & the Oberlin College Dance Department

Sponsored by

The following departments at Oberlin College and Conservatory:

Dance, Politics, GSFS, Hispanic Studies, and Ethnomusicology

The Dean of Students

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant for the Oberlin Center for Languages and Cultures  

The Ellen Johnson Fund for Contemporary Art

Complete Schedule of Events:

Wednesday, March 13

12:15-12:45 Labyrinths, site-specific performance

Mudd Center

Alice Blumenfeld

7:00-9:00 pm Flamenco on Screen

The Apollo


Thursday, March 14

12:15-12:45 Labyrinths, site-specific performance

Mudd Center

Alice Blumenfeld

8:00-9:30 pm Flamenco Fusion

Featuring Oberlin College and Conservatory students and alumni

Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse

Friday, March 15

10:00-11:30 Flamenco dance class

Wendy Clinard (only students currently or previously enrolled in DANC 115)

11:00-11:50 Niurca Márquez/José Luis de la Paz guest-lecture in ethnomusicology

(only Intro to Musics of the World students)

12 noon Tiny Reference Desk

José Luis de la Paz

3:00-4:20 Politics/Poetics of Flamenco in Spanish

Guest Lecture, La Romera

8:00-9:30 pm Everyday People/Everyday Action, Clinard Dance

Warner Main

Artist talk-back to follow

Free for Oberlin Students, faculty, staff;

$5 all others

Saturday, March 16

10:00 am-12:00 pm Transnational Politics and Poetics of Flamenco

Guest Speakers: Yuko Aoyama, Niurca

Márquez, and Theresa Goldbach

King 106


4:30-6:00 Panel Discussion–all visiting artists and speakers

La Casa Hispánica

6-7:30 Reception/dinner

La Casa Hispánica

8:00-9:30 pm Nu Flamenco, Resonancias

Warner Main

Artist talk-back to follow

Free for Oberlin Students, faculty, staff;

$5 all others