
29 02, 2016

Contemporary flamenco?


Isn't anyone alive today considered 'contemporary?'There are artists that push the limits, and those that want to simply uphold the traditions. Both are valid, as is everything in between. (Note: to push boundaries, you have to know the traditions that [...]

Contemporary flamenco?2018-01-11T21:11:00+00:00
15 12, 2015

Flamenco is a language


Earlier this year I was invited to give a TEDx talk on flamenco. For anyone unfamiliar with TED, here is their mission statement: "TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 [...]

Flamenco is a language2018-01-11T21:06:13+00:00
22 01, 2014

What exactly does “Freelancer” mean?


A couple of years ago when I decided to fill in my job on Facebook and Linkedin, I decided to refer to everything I do as "freelance," and hence labeled myself a Freelance Flamenco Dancer.  At the time, I had [...]

What exactly does “Freelancer” mean?2023-02-01T04:04:36+00:00
3 10, 2013

What’s the Role of Art?


This post is a little window in to some of the things I've been thinking about since being in NYC for a month now: New York is not an easy city.  For oh so many reasons.  Being an artist in [...]

What’s the Role of Art?2023-02-01T04:07:43+00:00
18 09, 2013

Selling Stereotypes


Why is it that stereotypes sell?  I'm writing specifically about flamenco, but my guess is this applies to many other genres and fields...Why are we so attracted to the superficial elements instead of digging deep to understand flamenco? The way [...]

Selling Stereotypes2018-01-11T20:49:59+00:00