Dance Profession

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23 10, 2016

Self-producing a performance


I self produced the recent performances of (Des)Encaracolarse at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. What exactly does that mean? I initiated the project, I took full financial responsibility for the project, I gathered the team, found the venue, did the publicity, [...]

Self-producing a performance2018-01-11T21:12:28+00:00
5 09, 2016

What’s in a name?


People constantly ask me why I don't use a more "flamenco" stage name. In fact, just the other day, while handing a supporter and friend a flyer for an upcoming show, she asked when I was going to use something [...]

What’s in a name?2023-02-01T03:46:27+00:00
17 05, 2016

Esferas; Turn to Movement


I wanted to share the link to New York University's Spring publication of Esferas, published by the Spanish and Portuguese Department and edited by Professor Lourdes Dávila. This issue is all about movement and language, and I had the honor [...]

Esferas; Turn to Movement2023-02-01T03:46:44+00:00
17 02, 2016

Some thoughts on technique…


It's said that in Madrid, dancers have technique and no art, and in the south (Andalucía), dancers have art but no technique. Now, I would not say that statement is 100% true, but it does not come out of nowhere. [...]

Some thoughts on technique…2023-02-01T03:48:09+00:00
16 01, 2016

Humility and the arts


A studio at Amor de Dios flamenco school in Madrid. photo: I have had moments in my career where I have been detrimentally humble. I've blown off compliments by shying away and saying things like, "Oh it really wasn't [...]

Humility and the arts2023-02-01T03:48:33+00:00
13 10, 2015

Money money money…


    I started to write a blog post about money....yes, I know, it's taboo to talk about money. But when people ask me what I do, and I say I dance, the next question is often, "And you can [...]

Money money money…2023-02-01T03:49:28+00:00
17 09, 2015



Last night at a gig, a colleague mentioned to me that guru actually means someone who brings you out of the darkness. According to the dictionary, guru "(in Hinduism and Buddhism) is a spiritual teacher, especially one who imparts initiation." [...]

30 08, 2015

Dance as a window into the present


I realized one of the most important reasons I love dance last week: I only know how to fully live in the present when I am dancing.When the rhythm starts and I lock into it, I am not thinking about [...]

Dance as a window into the present2018-01-11T21:05:31+00:00